Who We Are

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The Public Equity Fund is built on the notion of economic cohesion. Where the interdependence of citizens is the focus of economic sustainment. Specifically, rebalancing the ratio between contributions from, and benefits to citizens. Currently, this ratio presents an overwhelming imbalance between citizens contributing more than the subsequent benefit they receive. No more obvious of an imbalance than with the consumption of public goods and services. This is why PEF was founded.

There is little influence citizens have on shaping demand for the public goods and services they consume, which severely constrains the ability to maximize utility for themselves. The absence of choice and competition have resulted in over/under-supply of ineffective public goods and services. PEF aims to remedy this by empowering equality of autonomy. Where citizens, and, by extension communities, are able to regain their influence on the public goods and services that directly impact their quality of life.

PEF offers a solution to these traditional problems of political science and public economics, where communities are able to generate their own demand and supply for public goods and services. As a medium of exchange for citizens, PEF enables communities to align choice and competition that reflects the absolute needs of their citizens in a more efficient and effective way. Through community-based wealth funds, citizens are able to generate, manage, and utilize its own wealth as they see fit.