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Community Wealth Funds

Wealth funds are issued at a community level allowing each community to coordinate and codify efforts surrounding public goods and services through a single medium. This medium allows for the community to govern and implement its own ideas and directly receive the social and financial benefits them.

Community-sourced Public Initiatives: Potential issues  or initiatives regarding public goods and services are equitably crowd-sourced from citizens.

Citizen & Expert Collaboration: Crowd-sourced independent expertise aid in the solutioning of public issues or the design of public initiatives proposed by the citizens.

Community-approved Public Initiatives: The coordination between citizens and expertise allows  the community to synthesize its own value creation with regard to public goods and services.


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Governing Community Wealth

Wealth funds are issued by PEF to represent a community’s interest in progressing public goods and services. Once a wealth funds is issued, all citizens are able to propose public initiatives that they, themselves, could potentially represent.

As initiatives are proposed, a global independent body of experts to review and respond, in kind, by providing considerations on how best to implement the public initiative.

Citizens and experts then collaborate through an equitable process that allows the community to review and respond back to the experts until consensus is reached — iterating and synthesizing until that time. When consensus is reach, a public initiative has been approved for funding.


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Generating Community Wealth

Once a public initiative has reached consensus, and subsequently approved, funding immediately opens up to support the new public initiative under the community wealth fund.

The community and its citizens can raise funds for the approved public initiatives by allowing financial contributions to the wealth fund on behalf of those public initiatives.

As the portfolio of public initiatives grow under the wealth fund, so too will the social and financial return for the community. All return will be directly applied back to the wealth fund for future and/or current pubic initiatives.


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Sustaining Community Wealth

Value is based on the social and financial return of the portfolio of public initiatives it represents. This includes all assets under management resulting in a sustainable community wealth fund.

As value accumulates within the wealth fund, the community is able to reinvest that value in future public initiatives allowing progress to be created without proportional funding rounds.

All cashflow to and from the wealth fund will be earned, preserved, and allocated by the community with zero intervention outside of the governance process itself. Ensuring the integrity of the wealth fund for each community to find their own progress and value creation.